P / E pikeun kapal tunda
Nyuhunkeun id 374
Kategori Tow boat
Taun Pangwangunan 1985...1995
Price 1...
Pamundut tanggal ditambahkeun 2021-11-28
Ditambahkeun ku ship S+P (GR LINE)

dimensi kapal

Panjang sakabéh (LOA), m 35...

Original message

P/E for tug boat

Attn.: Ship S+P departments
Dear Sirs,
For our close buyer we are looking port tug boat:
Tug Boat P/E
- build 1985-1995
- 2 main engines with ttl BHP 3000-4000
- Min BP 30 t
- Max LOA 35 m
- Inspectable and delivery within continent, Med, Black sea
- budget depends on age and condition but max 1.5 mil usd, try slightly
Please offer with price guidance, class status, pictures, full
Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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