Kami pemecah kapal
Nyuhunkeun id 262
Kategori Beurat logam
Pamundut tanggal ditambahkeun 2021-09-08
Ditambahkeun ku Arbaz waseem (Scrap metal traders)

Original message

We are the ship breakers
We are working on scrap ship to break..
Our mission and plan.
We can break your ship in Pakistan in cheaper labor price.
then sale your ship material in high rates.
Because we have end buyers in pk & china.
we have a biggest place in shershah karachi market for selling your ship items and materials.
Selling partnership trem & conditions your 90 % our 10 % =100 ffrom net sales.
Regard Arbaz waseem
Director of scrap metal traders®
Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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