Bulk carrier for sale
RO- PAX FERRY - CARGO- WAKTU pangiriman mobil 01.06.2021
id kapal 3822
Kategori Pamawa bulk
Kelas NV
Taun Pangwangunan 1973
Harga $700,000
Tanggal ditambahkeun kapal 2021-11-23
Ditambahkeun ku Norsk Megling & Auksjon AS

beurat diukur

NRT 420

dimensi kapal

Panjang sakabéh (LOA), m 48.95
Draf kapal, m 3.86

Inpormasi Tambahan

Mesin Utama consists of a sump tank outside the engine. An attached pump sucks oil from the sump tank and delivers oil to the engine via filter. The oil flows to the engine sump, where attached evacuation pump sucks off and pumps
Didorong sorangan
Dek 1
Panumpang 87


Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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