Merlukeun kapal MPP DWT 15000-20000 umur kirang ti 10
Nyuhunkeun id 5677
Kategori Multi-tujuan
Taun Pangwangunan 2012...
Price 5...
Pamundut tanggal ditambahkeun 2022-02-16
Ditambahkeun ku Mehmat atlas (VANIA MARINE )

beurat diukur

DWT 15000...20000

Original message

Requires MPP ship DWT 15000-20000 age less than 10
Good day
Looking for MPP. Ship of DWT 15000-20000 , built 2012 & up
if possible my company decided to purchase by leasing, paying 5 million in advance and the rest as per agreed
if not , we purchase all in cash
we offer very good commission
Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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