Ramp Barges Hayang
Nyuhunkeun id 5841
Kategori Tongkang
Pamundut tanggal ditambahkeun 2022-04-06
Ditambahkeun ku Hriday Joshi (H Concepts Limited)

beurat diukur

DWT 3000...

Original message

Ramp Barges Wanted
Dear Sir/Madam
Required Ramp barges for trasnporting Rocks, Copper, Nickel and Iron Ores
Deadweight : 3000 - 5000 Metric Tonnes
Minimum Speed : 10 Knots
Port of Delivery : Manila
Kindly note the vessels with Engines manufactured in China will not be entertained
Please feel free to contact me with offers
Hriday Joshi
H Concepts Limited
Hong Kong, China
Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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