Platform supply vessel (PSV) for sale
UT755 XL Norwegian Design / 7482 BHP / DP2 PSV – For Private Sale
id kapal 8732
Kategori Kapal suplai platform (PSV)
Taun Pangwangunan 2012
Harga $15,000,000
Tanggal ditambahkeun kapal 2024-08-10
Ditambahkeun ku Horizon Offshore Services

dimensi kapal

Panjang sakabéh (LOA), m 74.97
Draf kapal, m 5.85

Inpormasi Tambahan

Mesin Utama , each delivering 3741 Brake Horsepower (BHP). Additionally, maneuverability is enhanced by two bow thrusters, each with 885 BHP, and two stern thrusters, each with 800 BHP
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