Kami ngagaduhan séri Pembeli anu resep kana Kapal Kargo Umum 8000 Dwt - 15,000 Dwt
Nyuhunkeun id 7196
Kategori Pamawa bulk
Pamundut tanggal ditambahkeun 2023-12-01
Ditambahkeun ku SnP Team (Strait Shipbrokers)

beurat diukur

DWT 8000...

Original message

We have series Buyers who interest to General Cargo Vessel 8000 Dwt – 15,000 Dwt
Dear SNP friends,
Good day,
We have series Buyers who interest to General cargo with the following characteristics:
8000 Dwt – 15,000 Dwt
Japan/ Korea built only
Budget 4 – 6 mill.
Age 14 – 18 years
Single deck
If you have suitable candidate, please do not hesitate to contact with us
Best Regards,
Mr. Mike
Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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