Urang peryogi Kapal Kargo reconditioned timbangan 1500T ka 300T.
Nyuhunkeun id 4559
Kategori Pamawa bulk
Pamundut tanggal ditambahkeun 2021-12-20
Ditambahkeun ku Oster Richard (M/s. Royal Enterprises.)

beurat diukur

DWT 1500...300000

Original message

We need a reconditioned Cargo Ship weighing 1500T to 300T.
We need reconditioned Cargo Ship weighing 1500T to 300T.
Can you send me the particular of the Ship availability/ LDT/ LoI and C&F-Kuwait selling price.
Thanks and regards,
O. Richard.
Tambahkeun kapal
Menta kapal


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